Choir Practice Podcast
First Responders, and Public Servants, share the most extraordinary experiences from their careers. Here on Choir Practice our mission is to preserve our guests personal legacies for friends and family, sharing their stories for anyone who might be curious or interested in a career in public service.
Choir Practice Podcast
Mike Pelton (Retired Tucson Police Officer, Pima County Deputy)
Mike's story is similar to mine. Palo Verde HS grads (barely), then Pima County Deputy and finally City of Tucson Police Officers. The profession is a good for people who found themselves being the protector of their friends, kept themselves out of trouble and want to spend their time, energy and efforts helping.
Mike continues to help, creating his non-profit "No Belt Required" that provides Jui Jitsu, Wrestling, Judo, and Muy Thai training for public servants. He and I agree that confidence and competence in ones abilities is a prescription for a better physical and mental outcome during critical incidents. Who wouldn't want that for their public servants?
Turn it up, give a warm welcome to the newest member of The Squad and shoot me a note to tell me what you thought of the episode!!!
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