Choir Practice Podcast
First Responders, and Public Servants, share the most extraordinary experiences from their careers. Here on Choir Practice our mission is to preserve our guests personal legacies for friends and family, sharing their stories for anyone who might be curious or interested in a career in public service.
Choir Practice Podcast
Andy Birtcil (Retired Tucson Police Officer, SWAT, K9, Firearms Staff)
Like many of my guests, Andy is one of those guys where my urgency to get him on the show is heightened because, as you will hear, he developed Parkinson's late into his career and it ultimately forced him to quit before he was ready...even though he spent 30 years serving the City of Tucson.
He worked his way into many of the "Desired" assignments through out his career, becoming a Senior SWAT Operator, K9 trainer and firearms instructor at the Southern Arizona Law Enforcement Training Center (SALETC).
I enjoyed our chat, but as per usual, he'll need to come back because he didn't really get into stories with his last two dogs! Give him a warm welcome to The Squad...
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