Choir Practice Podcast
First Responders, and Public Servants, share the most extraordinary experiences from their careers. Here on Choir Practice our mission is to preserve our guests personal legacies for friends and family, sharing their stories for anyone who might be curious or interested in a career in public service.
Choir Practice Podcast
Michael Duffey (Retired Pima County Sheriff Detective, Pima County Animal Control Animal Cruelty Investigator, EMT)
Over my career, US Marines have been some of the best folks I've ever worked with. The sense of duty, the "Can do" attitude and the refusal to quit when times get hard are all qualities that make them some of the best partners on the force.
With that being said, Mike exemplified all these qualities throughout his career! Even though he can't drive, haha, the rest of what he brought to the table are exactly the qualities that have allowed him to live such a wonderful life in service of others.
Buckle in, give him a warm welcome, and show him why we are the coolest Squad on the planet!
Come see me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/choir.practice.94
or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cp_sfaf/