Choir Practice Podcast
First Responders, and Public Servants, share the most extraordinary experiences from their careers. Here on Choir Practice our mission is to preserve our guests personal legacies for friends and family, sharing their stories for anyone who might be curious or interested in a career in public service.
Choir Practice Podcast
Terry Johnson PT 2 (Retired AZ Dept. of Public Safety, AZ Fallen Hero Memorial Riders)
As promised, Terry is back! There's just no way to get all the stories from a 35 year career captured in just one episode!!! He returned will all new stories I can't wait for you all to hear.
We also chatted more about the Arizona Fallen Hero Memorial Riders and how they raise funds to help the families of first responders when an officer is injured or killed in the line of duty. Terry had just gotten back from riding in Northern AZ, raising funds which they provided to the 100 club of AZ, who has similar mission.
We had a good time, I'm glad to know him, and even more glad you all get to know him too! Turn it up and enjoy!
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