Choir Practice Podcast
First Responders, and Public Servants, share the most extraordinary experiences from their careers. Here on Choir Practice our mission is to preserve our guests personal legacies for friends and family, sharing their stories for anyone who might be curious or interested in a career in public service.
Choir Practice Podcast
Sean Stewart (US Navy, AZ Dept. of Corrections, Retired Pima County Corrections Captain)
I'm so glad I was able to have Sean on the show. His upbringing and pathway to this branch of Law Enforcement has to be one of the most unique yet! He served several years in the Navy before being hired and working for the AZ Dept. of Corrections in Safford and Douglas, AZ.
Ultimately he was hired by Pima County where his career took off. He helped create Security Services which tracked gangs and gang activity within the jail. This was such a goldmine of information, not only did he become a subject matter expert for prosecutors, he became a tremendous resource to investigators on the streets as well.
Now, he travels across the US, teaching jailers and helping agencies write policy to prevent lawsuits. Give him a warm, Choir Practice, welcome and enjoy the show! Catch it here or wherever you tune in:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/.../choir.../id1590023670...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/07xxNGhNwJKc1JSxsdnppN?si=8d07b7f9036f4711
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/b47b7531-7b33-4995-9771-71351320b5df/choir-practice-podcast
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